Monday, October 25, 2010

National Awesome Halloween Costume Contest Winner!

So today i decided to go to Fhe. becuase i had nothing else going on.. i know  i know. you should still go. lol anywho.  My buddy eric and i were looking for something to do tonight. so we choose fhe. when we got there we had breakfast for dinner which was way good! best dinner ever! on top of that we had a National Tournament of 4 Sqaure! i sucked horribly.. but thats becuase i choose to be a nerd and fully go into character! ha. i didn't place at all. its ok next year! so there was a costume contest! and boy did i rock that out,  i took second place they gave the first place to a girl who was a cute ladybug. it was a sweet gig. above is my picture of my costume and my award! pretty sweet stuff huh. i totally look like the nerd in high school who try to act cool but was always beat up.. lol so tonight was a fun night i had a blast! halloween is coming up and im stoked! who wants to party with me?. well as for my first post on my blog i figure this was a must to get on. i hope you guys enjoyed reading. love ya!