Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 30. Who are you?

To start things off my name is mike and im Fluffy... I love wrestling. its has influenced my life. i did 4yrs in highschool and i might for college. but what i went through in highschool with wrestling just made me stronger. you know as they say... "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

Anyways i love drawing. when i draw its like being in my own world. I put my ideas and creativity on paper. dancing is big in my life as well. Krumping to be exact. It totally brings out the best of me. most people think that just because im a big kid doesnt mean i know how to get down. but trust me i do!!

I'm from fresno, california. born and almost raised there. but then i moved to utah. I have been living here for basically half my life. At first i really regretted moving here, left all my family, friends, but now i love it. I have met great people who have changed my life, as well as my friends. Love you all. I graduated from Pleasant Grove high school year 2007. Im a VIKING ALL THE WAY!! whoot whoot.

Now about me... hmm what can i say. Im basically a teddy bear. i like to cuddle, chill, and eat. sometimes sleep. not all the time though. i love being outdoors and going on trips. chilling with friends and putting smiles on peoples faces. I honestly think thats why im here. :D The thing about me is that im really laid back and chill and when i say im always gonna be there for you i totally mean it. I dont judge people like i did before or in the past. Even when i seem like im the happiest person alive i always seems to have a burden on my shoulders. but i have had a tough life i just try to make the best of it.

For a while i lived without a parent.. it was just my siblings, Phil (19) and Kimmy (17). It has roughly been about 2 years without our mom. Our dad left when we were young, our step dad ran off. its been really tough and ive had to be a adult from a young age. It really tears you apart. You change to care for the people you love as well as the lifestyles. i konw it wasn't easy for our mom to take off, and help a family member in need. i know it was the toughest thing in the world. i can't understand how you can be away from your kids that long and keep your sanity i know it would break me down... one thing about my family is we never give up. we always tread froward with a open mind that it will get better. My mother is finally back. now i can't live my life less stressed because i know my mom can finally take over and be the parent she always wanted to be and now i can work on my own things. i wanna prepare for a mission, go to school, be a kid i couldn't be. i know that things will turn for the best. and i cannot wait to brace what the future holds.

Life is a blessing. Your never promised tomorrow... so live it as if it were your last. If you ain't laughing you ain't living!

Love you guys all, as well as followers and friends and family, Much loves!

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