Monday, November 15, 2010

work, work, work!

so i know i should be stickin to the 30 days. but i can't remember the things to do it from. so im at work. and it won't let me on facebook to see the list! so im just chilling... its nice the job is great. fun ppl, and a good enviorment! i work part time for now. 6am-1130am. its really nice. but if i don't go into full time soo i might just pick up another shift and work two part time jobs! so yea. this past week has been amazing and a really inspiring way. i went to a seminar. and learn alot of myself. and i really learned to let go of the negaitvie things in my life. it was really a great week! met some awesome people who i have really connected with and on top of all. met great staff and i love my buddies cna't wait to see you all on tuesday! but enough of that hahahaha.

so ive been thinkin of my hair... its getting very long... its probably a good 4 inches of hair and i put it up as a mohawk. haha. gotta love it. so im thinking,,, thinking... should i chop it off... maybe trim it a bit... i dunno. ill probalby be asking everyone soon. cuz i really dont' know what to do wit it. im afraid its gonna be a distraction soon. haha. should i keep it or chop it or trim it.. ugh the many life decisions we choose. gott love it.

so ive got some awesome news! i learned the magical number of the weight lost i gotta do to go on a mission. and the magical number is...... can you guess.... its 230, i weigh 304 so its about 70 pounds. which is doable! and im stoked! i can't wait to get all the weight off! and tell all of you where i go! ssooooooooooooooooo excited! ive seen it change some of my firends lives and i cannot wait whats in store for it! anywho... i think im done chatting... better get back to work! lol.

Day-6 My favorite superhero and why.

ok. sweet this is been one i was looking forward to doing. not saying the other ideas are nothing.. they are! ha.

so i chose The Incredible Hulk. lots of reasons. the hulk is a bad A dude! he can be this intelligent being, a scientist, but if you make him mad, he can be this hulk of power! thus the name hulk. i guess in my life i feel like the hulk. that im bruce banner, getting bullied and made fun of. i never exploded with power as the hulk. but i did on myself, i punched walls punched things instead of ppl. i guess thats when the hulk woudl come out. the hulk is this huge being, but if calmed down he is a gentle giant. well he can be. but if startled he can turn in to a load of problems. the hulk has always been my fav superhero. we have similar qualitys. he fights for good. at least trys if he is not confused. i know im that way. the hulk reminds me of myself alot of the times. this gentle giant with loads of power. but i love the power through the hulk. his strength is a big one, he has his sonic boom clap, he says awesome things like " HULK SMASH!", ''HULK SMASH PUNY MAN!"  good stuff. lol. he has the ability to run and jump to glide through the air! hulk is one amazing being. and thats why i love him. he is indestructable. and can win anything! he has heart and cares! so do i! :D