Monday, January 17, 2011

Day-19 nicknames you have; why you have them

as you can see i did this at 6 in the morning... lol so hopefully my brain works this early and i can remember all my nicknames... ugh there is soooo many! ha.

Mikey- this is always been a nickname for myself and for others i get this alot.

Buddha- this one was introduced to me when someone told me i was on tv. come to find out i was compared to Big Buddha off the news lol.

Bubba- a girl i knew in jr high called me bubba. since then only she has called me that. too bad we arent' friends anymore and don't keep in touch ;(

Fluffy- My newest nickname! ha. this is how i introduced myself to my group of friends now. and its starting to stick lol. too bad i wont' be able to be called this any time soon. (insanity is trimming me down!)

Maka- mainly my homies call me this. such as zach, ster! we were such a Trifecta!

Makalee- I think Bri and I made this one up. lol. but it was nice cuz if you say it really fast its like sayin (Michael Le) hahah.

Lee- everyone in my high school called me this that was in sports so like the football team, wrestling team, other sports teams. also coaches always called each player by their last name.

Lowry- my buddies Dee, Trevor, Brad would call me Lowry (off the movie "bad boys") we had fun with that.

Big M- My buddy Dallas calls me this all the time. pretty funny too. cuz i call him Big D! ha. good times

Well there are all the nicknames i have. so far as i can remember. they are very special to me! and i can't wait to get new ones! ha.