Tuesday, November 16, 2010

day-8 short term goals for the month and why.

short term goals.... hmm... i guess. it would be to develop a plan, a nutrition plan, a workout, and prepare my self to go on a mission. to get in the best shape of my life! cuz i know that when the time comes for getting my call it will be worth soo much more because i worked at it sooo hard! short term is to make some money, fix my car. another short term goal is to coach jv wrestling and stick with it everyday! i cna't think of anymore... so there you have it! :D

Day-7 a picture of somone/somthing that has had the biggest impact on you.

well first thing is i don't have a picture of diabeties... but i will talk about that as well. as far as someone impacting my life. i would have to say Bri. she is such a wonderful young lady. (even tho im only older by like a few months) anywho. wow. what can i say about bri. Bri i hope your reading this cuz im going all out! bri has been my friend and best friend for as long as i can remember. im going to go out on a whim and say about 7 yrs maybe more. i could be wrong. im not good on my facts, bri however is so ask her.. lol. she has been there for me in and out, in whatever struggle i was going through. there was times i gave up. or looked at the negative. and bri was always there to tell me what i needed to hear. she really beat me down... but she would always bring me to higher ground. she has always been my inspiration and a great guidence. a time i know that she helped me was when my mom left to cali. for 2 1/2 years i was sooo vulnerable to the situation but she was there to life my spirits i know for a fact i would of not been able to do that all that time if it wasn't for her. and of course my other firends. bri is a great individual. she has soo much potential and is using it as we speak! ha. she has a great voice (she sings), great determination, has passion, love, authenticity, brilliant, i could go on. but above all she a great friend! and is family and very close to my heart. love you bri!

now, the Diabetes, this is a very emotional subject. because i never thought in my whole life i would get diagnose, my grandma who i love and cherish is on her death bed because of it. she doing loads better now. but im very close to her and it scared me when she was in the hospital for a heart attack and low blood sugar. when i was diagnose in july. i was soooo terrified. i thought i was going to end up on the same track as my grandma. i was scared. and giving excuses in life. one of my main problems at the time is i ate sooo much. and never worked out. just ate and ate until i was stuffed. but after finding out. its been about 5 months now. i feel great. im on meds, ive lost alot of weight and only to lose more to go on my mission! so now im more athletic and im not a huge burden on my self or on others. :D the diabeties showed me a lesson and before i thought it was a burden now i know that its not its a blessing in disguise. the lord works in mysterious ways. i know that anything i go through well not be without his help. ive learned about my self and that lord will never ever put me in a trail i can't get through so its great and i love with whats been going on. can't wait to see what lies in the future.

guess im done! ha. enjoy!