Wednesday, January 5, 2011


So lately for the past 2 weeks ive been doing insanity the workout. Holy freaking heck! its sooo tough. its straight cardio. actually here one sec... ill get you the definition! hahaha.

In order to achieve maximum Insanity workout results you will have to put forth maximum effort. Using MAX Interval Training, Insanity workouts blast fat with extreme cardio and sculpt muscles with high intensity strength training. The Insanity workout results of this combination are a lean, strong body with low body fat and truly insane definition.

pretty intense huh... haha. but i love it i feel refreshed and after the two months ill be the hottest guy alive! :D haha. anywho. just wnated to talk about it its way good and it works!

ive already lost 2 shirt sizes and almost 2 pants sizes! and ppl and touch their fingers when they hug me! :D its awesome anyhwo. insanity is legit and im glad im doing it. anyone else who wants to let me know ill hook you up! but you cnat be lazy this will push you to your limits and farther! it reminds me of wrestling. so let me know! word to ya mother! :D peace.

Day-16 another picture of me

soooo i guess you guys are pretty fond of me since you wanna see alot of picutres of me. hahahha jk.

welll here you have it! another pic of mikey! :D