Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day-13 a letter to someone who has hurt you.

This isn't really easy for me to do, because I hate letting people go,  I can get really annoyed sometimes, but as far as getting offended and holding grudges, that's really not me. at least i dont' think... So here it goe...

To the people who have used me: Congratulations. You have successfully managed to fool me into trusting you. I'll admit that in the past I would easily trust people. I guess I just have a habit of believing in the best in people. But you were especially good. You we able to lure me into your little trap, and trick me into confiding in you and sharing times with you that I thought would end up being a special memory. And in the end all I was left with was emptiness. Time wasted with someone that I thought was special. Someone who I thought could be trusted. But it turns out that the trick is on you, because I don't trust people that easily anymore. And when it comes to you, you lost your chance. Sure I can forgive you, and to be honest I already have. But just because I've forgiven you, doesn't mean I will ever have to trust you again. 

To the people who have built themselves up by tearing me down: I bet you think you're pretty special. You managed to make yourself feel good by walking over me. You got the best of me and then left me there to deal with the what I was left with. Well, once again, the joke is on you. You may think that by walking over me you were getting yourself somewhere, but the truth is, every time you've tried to tear me down, all you've succeeded in doing is making me stronger. 

Last but not least...

To the people who have pretended to be my friend:  You may think that because I'm only 21-that because I'm not as old as you or don't have as much "life experience" as you do that I don't know what a friend is. You may think that I don't notice the way you use me when it is most convenient for you, because I smile and agree with you and do whatever you ask me to do. You may think that I think you are a good friend. But the truth is, I notice it all. I notice when you use me. I notice when you talk about me behind my back but still act like you're the world's best friend to my face. I notice when you pick up your phone and look through your contacts, wishing you were spending time with somebody else. I notice when the only time you ever want to hang out, is when you can't find something better to do.
In all honesty, the prize goes to you guys, because out of everybody you're the ones who has hurt me the most. You are the ones I really cared about, and for awhile, I honestly believed that you cared too.  But I've got news for you. There are people that have taught me what a real friend is supposed to be. I've got people who honestly care about me, the things I do, and are more worried about my well being than they are about their own agenda. So I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasted so much time trying to turn you guys into the friends I hoped you would be. I'm sorry I spent so much time doing things for you even when I knew the only reason you asked is because you knew I was the only one who would do it. I'm sorry I let you guys use me and gave you guys so much trust. And I'm sorry I can't be there for you guys anymore. Because being your friend has been a mistake. I guess it's true though, you can't change people...and thank heavens for that, because I would have been devastated if you would've succeeded in your plot to change me.