Monday, February 21, 2011

"Our Deepest Fear"

so i watched Coach Carter last night. and theres a quote in it that hits me everytime i hear it. its when they are in the gym after the lockout ended and Timo Cruz stands up and answers the question Coach Carter ask. which is "what is your deepest fear?" Timo says "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

I truley believe this is true. ive been through sooo many trails and some days i feel like why. but i know that with our Heavenly father he will never put us through something we can't handle. i really like the line "We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone." it has been through my friends that ive been able to get through it all. as well through prayer and faith, and my wonderful siblings. we are who we are. and what we go through will strenghenth us in the end. i love this quote and i applie it to my life and recommend everyone does to.

anywho i just had to put that out! love this movie and the principles it shows! :)

Day 27. why are you doing this 30 day challenge

i guess the reason i did this 30 day challenge was to have it start a habit of blogging everyday or close to everyday, unfortunatly i failed miserably i didnt' stay up with it and now im finally finishin up in like a 3 month fram.. what the heck i know im sorry! but i will finish this up and try my best to blog more. my friend introduced me to the 30 day blog. and i just was soo excited and pump to start i started out well and was doing good then things came up and so on and so forth! lol. but it taught me how to think, feel and express my self through writing. which is a great quality! and i appreciate all those who do it. its not easy and its time consuming to. so my hat goes out to those who do it regularly! i promise i will finish this and maybe ill start it up again. but i will keep bloggin for a while i am going on a mission soon. so hopefully ill find someone to blog for me and keep at it for 2 years! hahahah. anywho there you have it. :) love you all!

Day 26. what you think about your friends

ive always thought about this. i have a lot of frineds some i wish i could still be friends with but we have grown apart. other i have that i cherish and love! we have good times. my friends and i know how to have fun its alwasy like that. we always try to up the next day. we are never bored. my friends mean the world to me. ever since i was alone with my sibs my friends and leaders were my support and boy they knew how to hlep out. there was never i time i thought i was cursed or was gonna fail. well i felt like i was but i was never in doubt that i wouldnt' get through it. and its through my friends and family that im the way i am. taht im this jolly guy who loves his life. i care for everyone. weather it be a barley known. a old friend, new friend, whatever it may be. its the reason i live fore to make new friends visit with old. friends are really what makes you wanna live. personally that is what i feel. :) but my friends are awesome and know me and love me for who i am. and im glad ive got to known each and every one of them.