Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 24. a letter to your parents

 so i think its mainly towards my dad who left me when i was young. so here it is!


its me your son mike. you probably don't know much of me because you have been gone 20 yrs of my life. im now 21. having the opportunitiy to meet you last year was great. ive had a heart soo empty becuase you were not a part of it. now that ive met you its now whole, mostly. even tho we have met and gotten to chat and know each other a bit better, im still sooo frustrated with you. im mad at your leaving. why? what did i do wrong? did you not love me? theres all these things i want to confront you about and i know i can't or im scared.what was soo hard about being there for me. i had to learn how to fight without you. shave, meet girls girls are sooo scary! my first date. i had 20 birthdays without you! how could you leave wihtout a care. and now you all of sudden care! how dare you try to step in my life after you bailed like a coward. dad. i want to love you. but how can i trust you to stay with me. to love me. theres soo much in my lifeat stake from trustin you agian. my life has been terrible without you. i feel lost. i have other father figures to look too but its not the same as having a real father. im mad at my mom, for leaving me wiht the kids for 2 yrs to take care of other business. how can you adults leave your cherish ones! how! how!!!!! we do nothign but be the kids you would like us to be. you have kim my sister your daughter who is now on the road to mess up. trying to act like a adult when she should be enjoying life as a kid. getting into trouble. being a hard head. but no she different growing up too fast! and i have phil a brother, a son to you. who smoke weed, has all this potentinal in life but can't seem to go anywhere becuase he chooses a drug over a safe free sober life. i don't mean to put you in the spot i don't i want to love you, we all want to. i wanna be able to look at the family and know i love you guys! i hope that it will change and be better.
i pray for you dad. and for mom. to be able to show your kids how to love.....


Day 23. something you crave for a lot

PPT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this will be short and sweet!

something ive been craving for is PPT! i was talkign about it last night with soem friends! PPT is (power progressive tumbling) its a gym with spring boards and tramps and all this crazy stuff! i love it! :) ive been craving it for a loooooong time and im gonna actually after doing this post look up times and get it reserved for a grand time! :) anywho when i find the times and date ill be sure to let you all know! :)

Day 22. what makes you different from everyone else

hm... what makes me different from everyone else... this will be a good one! :)

Type 2 Diabetic

so i was diagnose with Diabeties back in July of 2010. 2 weeks before my 21 bday. Sucky i know! but being diabetic has taught me alot. eating healthier, be in better shape. watch what i eat. (counting calories is sooo hard... ) ha. but i know it makes me different from everyone. because its shows me to be a example like when i would hang out with my friends we would do betos runs at night after a hang out, and betos is really greasy. now when we go i just watch them eat i don't wanna stuff my face with that stuff. before it was appealing to eat that now i get sick. now im loving my life with diabeties i try to eat better im working out and slimming down! i love it! :) so yea theres one


so i had a rough childhood. grew up too fast. had a job at like 13. working paycheck to paycheck to live. but i don't regret it cuz it taught me good work ethics and that s what everyone needs. the sad part about my childhood is i never got to see the disney movies until recently... and its just the classical ones (lion king, alladin, toy story, mulan, hercules. etc.) the list goes on. but i had a rough childhood cousins getting into gangs, my hometown you heard gunshots eveynight. it was a bad place to grow up in. then my mom made the best decision for me we packed up and moved to utah. at first i hated it but then i came by saw that no one made fun of the way i looked like before. it was a great time in my life and it only got better. when i turned 16 i joined the church! :) and now im planing on serving a mission! :) so yea

another thing is when i had to take care of my sibs alone for 2 years. it was really hard but it made me stronger and it turned me into who i am today. now my sibs and i we are closer than ever! we are just a trifecta of awesomeness! i love those two! Phil and Kim! my joys in my life.

so i would say my sickness, and the way i lived makes me different to who everyone else is.
ive gone thru alot of crap in my life my friend Kassie and Josh tell me that because of the trials i go thru. i will be a better person from it. and i truely believe that :) so there you have it. my sickness and my trails/childhood are what makes me different! haha. oh ps i can break dance too! hahaha. anywho. thata nother story for another time!