Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Can i honestly tell you how much i love this show!? Such a great movie all are my favorites to watch. you have the first one TMNT where they are first born and really find out what it is about being a family. then you have TMNT Secret of the ooze and they find out how they were born, as well as finishing off the Shrat dude! (Sherrder) then you have the TMNT 3 where they are timed traveled to japan in the early hundreds of samurais and cannons.

Anyways! my favorite part of the 2nd movie is where they are dancing in the middle of the Vanilla ice concert! heres a picture if you don't remember!

Such a great dance! they turtles know go to get down! haha. i love it. i wanna learn now too! ha who is in with me? lets do it eh. lets do it! haha. i just love the bond between this brothers. it reminds me alot of my me and my sibs. i saw this movie last night with a friend. who is having a hard time. so i brought him back to his childhood adn man he was laughing and having a good time! we watched all 4. haha thus im tired. but it was well worth it i think both of us needed that!.

But i wanted to chat about the turtles and because they are awesome who doesn't! you know but i hope and strive that we can be more like them paient, curdious, kind, etc. and be a botherhood. or sister hood. either one is great! and you know how they say it! COWABUNGA!!!!!!