Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 20. someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future

hmm... this one is weird. cuz i don't see myself with anyone. in the next future i plan on serving a full time mission and girls will be the last thing on my mind.. lol but after that i do hope to marry someone truley awesome. who is loving, caring, kind, all the juicy stuff. lol. she has to be a great cook. and know how to make me laugh. cuz i hate having to do all the work! ha. i guess i never really thought about marraige guess its because ive never had a relationship.. i dunno. all my buddies are married. but i dont' think im ready.. this one is gonna be short cuz its not somthing i really think about. lol.


So latley ive been kinda scared of going to a new singles ward i guess becuase i move so much im afraid i will make a ton of friends and then lose them. so last night after doing a insanity workout (which i dominated!) i got the courage to get all prettyed up and head to fhe. i heard we were going ice skating so i wasn't to happy bout that cuz im already sore. ha. so we get there and a lot of ppl showed up. like 40 plus we were combining with another ward. which was dope! so we went to midway to see the "Ice Sculptures" they were really cool. they had little ones and big ones and weird ones haha. we couldn't walk through them tho. which was sad. because utah is bipolar and it was melting them! but i went with some freinds i met thru my ward. Makelle, Jordan, Ben. funny part was there was this one spot that jordans foot fell through and the second i get there she says watccc... and BOOM my ankle slipped into a pocket of ice and i was stuck.... dang ice! a girl in my ward got a picture of me stuck... it was pretty funny. ben is over here poking at the ice to break it so i can get out! haha. then we went to some rich familys house. out in the middle of no where! we had pizza, i bet ben in pool, kinda hustled him... haha but all in all a great night! :D

heres a pic of us next to one. (sorry my phone sucks at pictures!)

another fun thing i did yesterday was i redid my steps in my hair! :D they look great! (thanks Jess!)

love my hair do. its very mikey!  i love it!  so here what it looks like!

yes! looks dope doesn't it! excuse the huge hump i have on my back! otherwise its looks awesome! :D
so that consist of my monday night. lots happened and yea... haha.  anywho! love you guys! peace!