Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 2- The Meaning behind your blog name.

Well. ok, My blog name.. lets see.. her.. uh.. good question.. i honestly think it was from my good friend Ster! he and i would always think of good ideas. like for example! "Ster, what should we do today?" "uh... let see how is today looking?"  "dude its hot and the summer we gotta do somthing great!" "I got it! 100ft Slipnslide!" "duuuuuude! thats brilliant!" "Thats what im sayin!". lol. see it all started with Sterling. awesome guy!

speak of which heres a sweet video of him. a song he wrote call singleality.

and i think its also. i want you to know im sayin it as well. voice my opinion. isn't that what a blog is all about? when i first started this blog i thought it was kinda lame. everyone had them i thought it was just a dumb idea. but then i created one and just slowly was pulled into. my heart opened up and i was puttin in some serious stuff in it. i guess if my blog will help anyones life out there. i really hope it does.

i know thousands of people who have gone through the same things i have or worst and have turned out pretty well. i don't wanna sit here and get sympathy for my lifestyles. i really don't lol just wanna show you guys who i am. and what ive done to become this man you all see. i guess my title means more than what a friend told me out of a joke. its always finally my of saying "HEY! this is what im sayin!" listen up! hahaha. anywho. i hope that kinda describes my title. from one homie to another. and my life to brighten up others.

there you go! ha. ready for round 3!