Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 29. in this past month, what have you learned?

hmm... lets see what have i learned in the past month?

that i love my roomates. ive reunited with old freinds, living on your own is still way harder than i thought. life is going good.

ive learned new meanings to when it comes to the gospel and what a amazing thing it is and has been to me and my family and friends :). i love this experience and i hope i lose enough weight for my mission!
i learned that insanity (the workout) lives up to its name. theres a million differnet things.
ive learned to cope with my trails. i know the lord will never put me in a situation he knows i won't handle wish i would of known that earlier but im glad its taken me this long to figure that out. 

but mostly ive learn who i am better. that im a strong individual. that life not always will hand you lemonade. but he will give you the supplies to make your own.  i love what has come into my life and can't wait to see what else comes in store! :)

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