Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 28. a picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then.

Alright im stoked about this one! i hopefully think you can see a difference in me!

So this is a picture of me and my sibs at a friends wedding reception. we look fly i love it! at this time i weight about 360. and i think i was diabetic this time. oh at least found out i was. i was a big boy still am now.  but lately ive been doing this work out called insanity! since then ive lost alot of weight.  you all ready for what i look like now! :)

This is me now! weighing at a whopping 310! :) i look good and i feel great! thanks insanity for that awesome workout cant' wait till i start it up again and get that six pack ive longed for! :) plus the new addition to me is my sick mohawk and steps! :) love it!

so this is what i used to look like to what i do look like now :) here ya go!

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