Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day-15 put your ipod on shuffle, the first 10 songs

alright. here we go!

Song 1
My Name is/Eminem

Song 2
E.T/Katy Perry

Song 3
Shake That/Eminem

Song 4
Lose Control/Wiz Khalifa

Song 5
Nothing Without Her/ Nelly

Song 6
Jizz in my Pants/Adam Sandberg (SNL skit)

Song 7
On Fire/Eminem

Song 8
This Love/Maroon 5

Song 9
Just Dance/Colby Odonis

Song 10
Dj got us fallin in love/Usher

I love my ipod sooo much great music! ;D


Hey! lol. soooo im back from my awesome trip in cali! it was sooo much fun! got to see family! and did some shoppin. and really got away from everything. it was a very much needed trip. now that im back i feel horrible not keeping up with my blog.... i feel like i let all you down! im sorry! but let me tell you about my time in cali!

So the first couple of days getting to cali were great! went to southern cali to Burbank and hung out with my aunt silvia and she welcomed us with great love and kindness. love her to death. then went up to northern cali and chilled with my dad, had fun with the sibs adn visited my aunt  Juana and my 9 cousins! freaking awesome. my cuz alex had a baby boy! and its the cutest thing in the world! he is now married adn working full time. so he has improved alot since the last time i saw him. on christmas eve we went to our step brothers place to have dinner and see the fam. that was awkward for the first part but then our step brother was drunk and made it fun and inculded us in. i had a friend of mine who is from utah that was in the city next to mine, OH snap by the way i was in Fresno California! haha. sorry. but she was in Clovis so we hung out one night which was wayy fun. then went back to burbank before we had to do our 13 hr drive home!

we got to my aunt silvias house on christmas day around 830. its technically 4 hrs from fresno to burbank but my sister kimmy was going over 100.... hahahah. so we made it in 2 1/2 haha. when we got there we had breakfast and took a power nap. then they took us out! which was wayy sweet! my sibs have never been to the beach. so they surpised us by taking us! freaking fantastic! sibs had a good time and so did i! then after we went to Beverly hills! did some sight seeing and shoppin and ended it with lunch in hollywood and shopping some more! i spent way to much money! but still all and all worth it! after that it was really late like 10pm so we headed back and had some authentic hispanic foods! tamales, carne sada! rice and beans everything! soooooooo  yummy! then headed to bed woke up at 530 and headed on out!

best part about driving home is right when i hit the utah boarder and cross i got pulled over! i was going over a 100 but he clocked me going around 92... yea that ruined it hardcore... so then i was only going about 80 the rest of the way... i hated it... hahaha. but all in all i now have a 200 ticket i gotta take care off... adn im not too happy about it. oh well. you win some you lose some! hahaha. well im done rambling on, here are pics of the trip well some...hahaha

so this is a picture of me on the beach. i dont' know if your able to read what i wrote but it says "Fluffy loves you" cuz you all know i do! :D

Me, my bro Phil, my sister Kimmy at the beach! yes we are crazy and we went swimming! :D

 Santa Monica Beach! sooo pretty and it was soooo great! :D love it and i wanna go back!
my cuz Alex, this is his son! forgot the name... (i know that horrible, but dont' jugde!)

So all in all i had a great time! and i wish all of you had the same funness i did. but im back, and im ready to hit hard this blog challenge! so day 15 lets bring it on! haha. love you all and enjoy the holidays! and Happy New Year! :D

Monday, December 6, 2010

Day-14 a Picture of you and your family.

Ok. so this is not gonna be like everyone elses. my family only consists of two ppl. My brother. Phil, and Sister Kimmy. so for this i will just be talking about my sibs becuase the past 2 1/2 years they are what i needed as a family to continue on and stay on track. plus they are the cutest sibs in the world! ha. anywho, here they are! enjoy!

so first of we will start from the youngest and go from there. lol. the first would have to be my lil sis Kimmy. wow she has all this energy and hype. its great! she knows how to be funny, when to be a brat, and just a fun loving person to be around with. she had some troubles lately but who doesn't. Kim has matured alot since our mother left. she used to be just this crazy teenager! (which i miss) but now it seems that she feels like she is a adult. and she is not. she still a kid. but acts like she needs to be a adult right away becuase her brothers (phil, and i) had to grow up soo fast. but thats not the case. she has a few goals in life right now, such as getting a car, graduating high school and being independent.

she got alot to live for. she works part time at KFC. she is doing great been there for about 6-7 months i think. and surprisingly she can keep her school work up and manage a job all at once! she awesome at stuff like that. its funny tho. kim a few days ago came to me with homework (i havn't been in school in 4yrs) lol she only came to me to draw out her homework assignment!  i was like wtf! i didn't realize i was doing half the homework for her.! it was still fun. i just gave the basic sketch and just had her draw it to the best of her abilitys. i know that when my mom left it really hurt kim. i mean a 15 year old daughter not having her mother around it just terrible. kim had no support in anything. the only support she had was her brother and i, and we tried our hardest to fully support. she is a great singer! she tells me i am too i don't beleve her! she can be funny all the time. knows how to put a smile on me and my brothers face. she is a great gal. and im excited for whats in store for her in the future.

Oh i almost forgot! its kimmys bday on friday! she will be 17! she will start wearing her big girl pants! ha. so i just wanna do a shout out to my seester! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR AWESOME! happy 17th! :D

Next we have my lil bro Phil, now this kid is just straight real. nothing fake about this guy. he will be soo blunt to you it will hurt. trust me he does it to me all the time. thinks he like the king of samoa but he isn't in all real cases he just a little bro. but this little bro has gone through alot of stuff. which is making him stronger, and ease up on the dumb things in life. he dropped out of high school. i don't know the main reason i think it was because the classes were really long. or somthing on that sense... lol he would of been a great football player. he was trying out but then he dropped out. the coaches were really impressed by his athletic abilities, phil is great guy, knows how to treat a lady and respect ppl who respect him back. he a stud. and just bought his own car. and is stoked for christmas becuase we are going to cali to be with family. so it should be great! for the longest time my brother and i butted heads pretty well. we didnt' like each other and just didn't cross paths. it was like this untila little before my mom had to leave to cali to take care of some family things. just put our differences aside and became a family. with our little sister. we became a trifecta, having nothing in our way. but just to be who we are and live on our own. i won't lie it was pretty hard and we had to sacrifice everythign! but we had help mainly from the church. which i will never forget the compassion i recieved from that ward :D

Phil is a great brother, and a great friend we have a usual days and our not usual days. ha. but i still love that kid to death. he got alot of potential, and i wanna see it blossom to somthing fantanstic! all in all i love my fam. and i know without them i would fall. they are my my back up and support and my best friends. i love them with all my heart, and im stoked for whats entitled in the future! :D

there you have it. alittle about my fam. hope you like it!