Monday, November 15, 2010

Day-6 My favorite superhero and why.

ok. sweet this is been one i was looking forward to doing. not saying the other ideas are nothing.. they are! ha.

so i chose The Incredible Hulk. lots of reasons. the hulk is a bad A dude! he can be this intelligent being, a scientist, but if you make him mad, he can be this hulk of power! thus the name hulk. i guess in my life i feel like the hulk. that im bruce banner, getting bullied and made fun of. i never exploded with power as the hulk. but i did on myself, i punched walls punched things instead of ppl. i guess thats when the hulk woudl come out. the hulk is this huge being, but if calmed down he is a gentle giant. well he can be. but if startled he can turn in to a load of problems. the hulk has always been my fav superhero. we have similar qualitys. he fights for good. at least trys if he is not confused. i know im that way. the hulk reminds me of myself alot of the times. this gentle giant with loads of power. but i love the power through the hulk. his strength is a big one, he has his sonic boom clap, he says awesome things like " HULK SMASH!", ''HULK SMASH PUNY MAN!"  good stuff. lol. he has the ability to run and jump to glide through the air! hulk is one amazing being. and thats why i love him. he is indestructable. and can win anything! he has heart and cares! so do i! :D

1 comment:

  1. I knew you were going to do hulk on this one dude, I can totally see you as the hulk, I wouldnt say bruce banner, bruce had an experiment performed on him, you didnt. but I totally see it
