Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day-13 a letter to someone who has hurt you.

This isn't really easy for me to do, because I hate letting people go,  I can get really annoyed sometimes, but as far as getting offended and holding grudges, that's really not me. at least i dont' think... So here it goe...

To the people who have used me: Congratulations. You have successfully managed to fool me into trusting you. I'll admit that in the past I would easily trust people. I guess I just have a habit of believing in the best in people. But you were especially good. You we able to lure me into your little trap, and trick me into confiding in you and sharing times with you that I thought would end up being a special memory. And in the end all I was left with was emptiness. Time wasted with someone that I thought was special. Someone who I thought could be trusted. But it turns out that the trick is on you, because I don't trust people that easily anymore. And when it comes to you, you lost your chance. Sure I can forgive you, and to be honest I already have. But just because I've forgiven you, doesn't mean I will ever have to trust you again. 

To the people who have built themselves up by tearing me down: I bet you think you're pretty special. You managed to make yourself feel good by walking over me. You got the best of me and then left me there to deal with the what I was left with. Well, once again, the joke is on you. You may think that by walking over me you were getting yourself somewhere, but the truth is, every time you've tried to tear me down, all you've succeeded in doing is making me stronger. 

Last but not least...

To the people who have pretended to be my friend:  You may think that because I'm only 21-that because I'm not as old as you or don't have as much "life experience" as you do that I don't know what a friend is. You may think that I don't notice the way you use me when it is most convenient for you, because I smile and agree with you and do whatever you ask me to do. You may think that I think you are a good friend. But the truth is, I notice it all. I notice when you use me. I notice when you talk about me behind my back but still act like you're the world's best friend to my face. I notice when you pick up your phone and look through your contacts, wishing you were spending time with somebody else. I notice when the only time you ever want to hang out, is when you can't find something better to do.
In all honesty, the prize goes to you guys, because out of everybody you're the ones who has hurt me the most. You are the ones I really cared about, and for awhile, I honestly believed that you cared too.  But I've got news for you. There are people that have taught me what a real friend is supposed to be. I've got people who honestly care about me, the things I do, and are more worried about my well being than they are about their own agenda. So I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasted so much time trying to turn you guys into the friends I hoped you would be. I'm sorry I spent so much time doing things for you even when I knew the only reason you asked is because you knew I was the only one who would do it. I'm sorry I let you guys use me and gave you guys so much trust. And I'm sorry I can't be there for you guys anymore. Because being your friend has been a mistake. I guess it's true though, you can't change people...and thank heavens for that, because I would have been devastated if you would've succeeded in your plot to change me.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day-12 how did you find out about blogs and why you made one.

well i guess i found out about blogs through my buddies. alot of them have one and always are talking about it. and at first i was skeptical, cuz i didn't want ppl to know about my life. it felt dumb at the time. lol. but then later i found out that it like a journal. but ppl read. i became intriged and was like sure ill make one!. cuz i have a lot of friends that are super busy with life, and wanna know whats going on in my life. so this is a good way for them to hear about it. ;D.

why i made one. i guess i want ppl to see who i am. i want to be able to express myself,  also i hope that the words i post up weather it be a blog challenge or somthing that happen to me personally i want to be able to share something that i think or know that beneifted me or otherwise can benefit someone else. i mean we are all put on this earth to learn. and i think a good way for ppl to learn is hearing about others lives i know ive heard countless of amazing stories and it has brighten my day  or made my  week even. so i guess these are the reasons i made one. and i thought it be a sweet idea!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day-11 another picture of you and your friends.

so here is another pic of most of my buddies. its was taken a while back at a group outing we did. at PPT. (power progressive tumbling) it was a way fun night. sumo suits and just craziness! here are some of the pictures from the night! :D

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day-10 the songs i listen to when im happy, sad, bored, mad, hyped.

well sweet. somthing about music! alright. to start off music is my life. it makes me feel good :D it can alway pump me up for somthing epic or make me relax and draw, or just chill and make me sleep. lol. so here it is as follows

Happy: Black suits comin. Will Smith (i can't rap the entire thing and it makes me jolly :D)

Sad: I have a dream. Common (this song brings tears to my eyes, its off the movie freedom writers its the theme song but it talks about having a dream like marther luther king. and how we all need to have that purpose in life to change)

Bored: Forever. Chris Brown (i tend to listen to over played songs or old songs i havn't heard of in a long time. when im bored. lol)

Mad: Scream or Crawl.  Avenge Sevenfold and Breaking Benjamin (screamo is just awesome makes my mad go on steriods but i won't do anything haha. just love the screams)

Hyped. Heart of a Champion or Fuel. Nelly and Metallica (these two i listen to very much. especially in high school for wrestling this is what got me pumped! i love it!

Day-9 something im proud of in the past few days.

something that i would be proud of in the past few days would be, im made better connections with some friends, also with some family. i got to talk to my dad that was really nice. ive seem to make my connection with my brother really well. he and i enjoy each others company. wheather it be palying xbox or going to get a bite to eat. so im really proud of that. before i felt really distant from alot of ppl mainly my family. but now its getting better. and turning for the best! im stoked and im hoping that it will be really a blessing in my life. cuz i love everyone! so i guess my family and friends is what im proud of as of the moment.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

day-8 short term goals for the month and why.

short term goals.... hmm... i guess. it would be to develop a plan, a nutrition plan, a workout, and prepare my self to go on a mission. to get in the best shape of my life! cuz i know that when the time comes for getting my call it will be worth soo much more because i worked at it sooo hard! short term is to make some money, fix my car. another short term goal is to coach jv wrestling and stick with it everyday! i cna't think of anymore... so there you have it! :D

Day-7 a picture of somone/somthing that has had the biggest impact on you.

well first thing is i don't have a picture of diabeties... but i will talk about that as well. as far as someone impacting my life. i would have to say Bri. she is such a wonderful young lady. (even tho im only older by like a few months) anywho. wow. what can i say about bri. Bri i hope your reading this cuz im going all out! bri has been my friend and best friend for as long as i can remember. im going to go out on a whim and say about 7 yrs maybe more. i could be wrong. im not good on my facts, bri however is so ask her.. lol. she has been there for me in and out, in whatever struggle i was going through. there was times i gave up. or looked at the negative. and bri was always there to tell me what i needed to hear. she really beat me down... but she would always bring me to higher ground. she has always been my inspiration and a great guidence. a time i know that she helped me was when my mom left to cali. for 2 1/2 years i was sooo vulnerable to the situation but she was there to life my spirits i know for a fact i would of not been able to do that all that time if it wasn't for her. and of course my other firends. bri is a great individual. she has soo much potential and is using it as we speak! ha. she has a great voice (she sings), great determination, has passion, love, authenticity, brilliant, i could go on. but above all she a great friend! and is family and very close to my heart. love you bri!

now, the Diabetes, this is a very emotional subject. because i never thought in my whole life i would get diagnose, my grandma who i love and cherish is on her death bed because of it. she doing loads better now. but im very close to her and it scared me when she was in the hospital for a heart attack and low blood sugar. when i was diagnose in july. i was soooo terrified. i thought i was going to end up on the same track as my grandma. i was scared. and giving excuses in life. one of my main problems at the time is i ate sooo much. and never worked out. just ate and ate until i was stuffed. but after finding out. its been about 5 months now. i feel great. im on meds, ive lost alot of weight and only to lose more to go on my mission! so now im more athletic and im not a huge burden on my self or on others. :D the diabeties showed me a lesson and before i thought it was a burden now i know that its not its a blessing in disguise. the lord works in mysterious ways. i know that anything i go through well not be without his help. ive learned about my self and that lord will never ever put me in a trail i can't get through so its great and i love with whats been going on. can't wait to see what lies in the future.

guess im done! ha. enjoy!

Monday, November 15, 2010

work, work, work!

so i know i should be stickin to the 30 days. but i can't remember the things to do it from. so im at work. and it won't let me on facebook to see the list! so im just chilling... its nice the job is great. fun ppl, and a good enviorment! i work part time for now. 6am-1130am. its really nice. but if i don't go into full time soo i might just pick up another shift and work two part time jobs! so yea. this past week has been amazing and a really inspiring way. i went to a seminar. and learn alot of myself. and i really learned to let go of the negaitvie things in my life. it was really a great week! met some awesome people who i have really connected with and on top of all. met great staff and i love my buddies cna't wait to see you all on tuesday! but enough of that hahahaha.

so ive been thinkin of my hair... its getting very long... its probably a good 4 inches of hair and i put it up as a mohawk. haha. gotta love it. so im thinking,,, thinking... should i chop it off... maybe trim it a bit... i dunno. ill probalby be asking everyone soon. cuz i really dont' know what to do wit it. im afraid its gonna be a distraction soon. haha. should i keep it or chop it or trim it.. ugh the many life decisions we choose. gott love it.

so ive got some awesome news! i learned the magical number of the weight lost i gotta do to go on a mission. and the magical number is...... can you guess.... its 230, i weigh 304 so its about 70 pounds. which is doable! and im stoked! i can't wait to get all the weight off! and tell all of you where i go! ssooooooooooooooooo excited! ive seen it change some of my firends lives and i cannot wait whats in store for it! anywho... i think im done chatting... better get back to work! lol.

Day-6 My favorite superhero and why.

ok. sweet this is been one i was looking forward to doing. not saying the other ideas are nothing.. they are! ha.

so i chose The Incredible Hulk. lots of reasons. the hulk is a bad A dude! he can be this intelligent being, a scientist, but if you make him mad, he can be this hulk of power! thus the name hulk. i guess in my life i feel like the hulk. that im bruce banner, getting bullied and made fun of. i never exploded with power as the hulk. but i did on myself, i punched walls punched things instead of ppl. i guess thats when the hulk woudl come out. the hulk is this huge being, but if calmed down he is a gentle giant. well he can be. but if startled he can turn in to a load of problems. the hulk has always been my fav superhero. we have similar qualitys. he fights for good. at least trys if he is not confused. i know im that way. the hulk reminds me of myself alot of the times. this gentle giant with loads of power. but i love the power through the hulk. his strength is a big one, he has his sonic boom clap, he says awesome things like " HULK SMASH!", ''HULK SMASH PUNY MAN!"  good stuff. lol. he has the ability to run and jump to glide through the air! hulk is one amazing being. and thats why i love him. he is indestructable. and can win anything! he has heart and cares! so do i! :D

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 5- A picture of somewhere you have been too.

sooo ive been kinda behind.. so ill be posting like 3 things hahahah. but a place ive been too is cali! :D

the beach is my favorite place to visit i remember growing up with the sibs and family we would go alot and swim and have bbqs! best thing ever! i plan on visiting it very soon! and anyone who wants to join let me know! lol. i love the beach and soon it will be my home!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 4- A habit i wish i didn't have.

i guess my biggest habit i have is being too selfless.. i don't care enough of myself i rather put people first than before my own. i can't take care of myslef. i have to know and take care of others! this is what i need to face and fix, because i know it will tear me apart later. i will try to improve this. try to work it out. be more on my own. independant. and hopefully not dependant on others. i guess thats my true habit i wish i didn't have, i wish i had learned different than sacrificing my ownself for others don't get me worng its a great quaility to have but i need to take care of myslef. at least that how i feel about it.....

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 3- picture of me and my friends

i guess ill just post pics of me and my friends on this. i have alot of firends and don't really have a huge group shot so ill just post a few :D

there you go! :D

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 2- The Meaning behind your blog name.

Well. ok, My blog name.. lets see.. her.. uh.. good question.. i honestly think it was from my good friend Ster! he and i would always think of good ideas. like for example! "Ster, what should we do today?" "uh... let see how is today looking?"  "dude its hot and the summer we gotta do somthing great!" "I got it! 100ft Slipnslide!" "duuuuuude! thats brilliant!" "Thats what im sayin!". lol. see it all started with Sterling. awesome guy!

speak of which heres a sweet video of him. a song he wrote call singleality.


and i think its also. i want you to know im sayin it as well. voice my opinion. isn't that what a blog is all about? when i first started this blog i thought it was kinda lame. everyone had them i thought it was just a dumb idea. but then i created one and just slowly was pulled into. my heart opened up and i was puttin in some serious stuff in it. i guess if my blog will help anyones life out there. i really hope it does.

i know thousands of people who have gone through the same things i have or worst and have turned out pretty well. i don't wanna sit here and get sympathy for my lifestyles. i really don't lol just wanna show you guys who i am. and what ive done to become this man you all see. i guess my title means more than what a friend told me out of a joke. its always finally my of saying "HEY! this is what im sayin!" listen up! hahaha. anywho. i hope that kinda describes my title. from one homie to another. and my life to brighten up others.

there you go! ha. ready for round 3!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

30 Day Blog Challenge!

So i found out from a friend about a 30 day blog challenge! I of course love challenges lol so for the next 30 days i will be trying to update.. sorry no i WILL update my blog with 30 different things for the next 30 days! For today i need to show a picture of me now, and 15 interesting facts of myself so be ready!

so here we go!

1. Well, Im Fluffy
2. I'm a type 2 diabetic
3. My nationality doesn't involve Native american, polynesian, hawaiian, mexican, or anything else. its tricky im, Vietnamese, and Salvadorean. weird huh... haha.
4. im a gentle person. people see me as a mean guy somtimes. but im a teddy bear at heart.
5. Even tho i seem to be happy or cheerful i usually have a burden or burdens on my shoulder. but somehow i always come out on top :D
6. My Mother is my Hero also my siblings Phil and Kim.
7. Im very accident prone. i usually always get hurt... lol
8. i love to draw. weather its anime, realistic, cartoons, anything its puts me in my own zone!
9. i can Krump. im decent at it. its pretty fun. but just cuz im a big guy don't me i can get down!
10. i can do the splits! ha. yes and many of my friends have witnessed it!
11. ive never been snowboarding.... someone please change that!
12.i can make almost anyone laugh. or become my friend :D
13. i love sports anything with full contact sign me up!
14. i will always have your back with anything. i will be there to help anyone out no matter the consequences.
15.ive had a troubled childhood. but its shaped me into the person i am now. and ive never regretted it since!

Whew.... finally done! well sweet hope you guys enjoyed! be ready for round dos! (two) tomorrow! love you all!