Friday, January 14, 2011

Day-17 someone you would want to switch lives with and why.

hmm... well im sitting here at work. bored. its slow which is odd to me. but i was reading this day post and the person i would wanna switch lives with is my little brother. he smokes weed, gets into trouble, has a weird vibe to everything in life. i guess im curious. curious to what he does with all his time. im often sitting and thinking what does he do... he has all this potential and it seems like he doesn't want to use it! makes me sad. and i bet he probably wonders the same thing with me. what does mikey do all the time. does he really have mormony things all day long. i dunno i think it would be awesome if i could switch lives with my bro. and see what it is like to be him for a day or so. i bet i would only last a day or so.  i think it would let me bond with him more if i knew what his life was like. i i bet its the same thing for him if he jumped into mine. its really hard for me to understand my brothers way. cuz ive never done drugs or drink like he does. and probably vise versa. shoot. i wish there was more to say. in my mind it seems like i have all this to say. but it looks liek its all be said. i hate when stuff like that happens it happens to me all the freaking time! ugh. oh well... but if i could change with one person i choose my little bro Phil. just to see what he does, what he feels, thinks, sees. and hopuflly it doens't turn out to be like a Freaky Friday hahaha. anywho theres my post. love ya!


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