Friday, January 14, 2011

Day-18 plans/dreams/goals you have.

lets see... uh plans, dreams, goals i have.. ha. sweet lets dive right in!

some plans i have is to go on a Lds Mission! ive been doing the work out Insanity and im hoping by sticking with it and pushing myself i will be able to lose the weight that i need so i cna go on my mission.

another is be fully independant on my own. no help i need to be a grown up. no more sheltered and being manupulated.

Maybe attend some school. im being too lazy and i should really stop. ha.
Meet new ppl. :D
thats pretty much it. i cna't think of anymore.. haha.


some dreams that i have is to get married after the mission of course, get a career, finish school.
have kids you know the mushy stuff. haha.

 i want to be able to serve a Lds Mission
Finsh and keep up with the workout Insanity.
bond closer with my family.
keep a job longer than 4 months
 maintaining a normal sugar level for my diabeties.

there you have it. at least from what my brain would process at like 7 in the morning ;) haha.

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