Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 22. what makes you different from everyone else

hm... what makes me different from everyone else... this will be a good one! :)

Type 2 Diabetic

so i was diagnose with Diabeties back in July of 2010. 2 weeks before my 21 bday. Sucky i know! but being diabetic has taught me alot. eating healthier, be in better shape. watch what i eat. (counting calories is sooo hard... ) ha. but i know it makes me different from everyone. because its shows me to be a example like when i would hang out with my friends we would do betos runs at night after a hang out, and betos is really greasy. now when we go i just watch them eat i don't wanna stuff my face with that stuff. before it was appealing to eat that now i get sick. now im loving my life with diabeties i try to eat better im working out and slimming down! i love it! :) so yea theres one


so i had a rough childhood. grew up too fast. had a job at like 13. working paycheck to paycheck to live. but i don't regret it cuz it taught me good work ethics and that s what everyone needs. the sad part about my childhood is i never got to see the disney movies until recently... and its just the classical ones (lion king, alladin, toy story, mulan, hercules. etc.) the list goes on. but i had a rough childhood cousins getting into gangs, my hometown you heard gunshots eveynight. it was a bad place to grow up in. then my mom made the best decision for me we packed up and moved to utah. at first i hated it but then i came by saw that no one made fun of the way i looked like before. it was a great time in my life and it only got better. when i turned 16 i joined the church! :) and now im planing on serving a mission! :) so yea

another thing is when i had to take care of my sibs alone for 2 years. it was really hard but it made me stronger and it turned me into who i am today. now my sibs and i we are closer than ever! we are just a trifecta of awesomeness! i love those two! Phil and Kim! my joys in my life.

so i would say my sickness, and the way i lived makes me different to who everyone else is.
ive gone thru alot of crap in my life my friend Kassie and Josh tell me that because of the trials i go thru. i will be a better person from it. and i truely believe that :) so there you have it. my sickness and my trails/childhood are what makes me different! haha. oh ps i can break dance too! hahaha. anywho. thata nother story for another time!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome bro! but i would say to not knock Beto's, its not the healthiest i know but it is amazing mexican food for how much you pay. Then again, i'm an unhealthy person as far as eating habits are concerned. and another thing that makes you different is you know me, think about all the people who have never even heard of me! lol
