Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 26. what you think about your friends

ive always thought about this. i have a lot of frineds some i wish i could still be friends with but we have grown apart. other i have that i cherish and love! we have good times. my friends and i know how to have fun its alwasy like that. we always try to up the next day. we are never bored. my friends mean the world to me. ever since i was alone with my sibs my friends and leaders were my support and boy they knew how to hlep out. there was never i time i thought i was cursed or was gonna fail. well i felt like i was but i was never in doubt that i wouldnt' get through it. and its through my friends and family that im the way i am. taht im this jolly guy who loves his life. i care for everyone. weather it be a barley known. a old friend, new friend, whatever it may be. its the reason i live fore to make new friends visit with old. friends are really what makes you wanna live. personally that is what i feel. :) but my friends are awesome and know me and love me for who i am. and im glad ive got to known each and every one of them.

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