Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 27. why are you doing this 30 day challenge

i guess the reason i did this 30 day challenge was to have it start a habit of blogging everyday or close to everyday, unfortunatly i failed miserably i didnt' stay up with it and now im finally finishin up in like a 3 month fram.. what the heck i know im sorry! but i will finish this up and try my best to blog more. my friend introduced me to the 30 day blog. and i just was soo excited and pump to start i started out well and was doing good then things came up and so on and so forth! lol. but it taught me how to think, feel and express my self through writing. which is a great quality! and i appreciate all those who do it. its not easy and its time consuming to. so my hat goes out to those who do it regularly! i promise i will finish this and maybe ill start it up again. but i will keep bloggin for a while i am going on a mission soon. so hopefully ill find someone to blog for me and keep at it for 2 years! hahahah. anywho there you have it. :) love you all!

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